Heat Pumps
Heat pumps are renewable energy products which can provide you with a total heating and hot water solution for your home or business.
Heat pumps use small amounts of energy collected from the ground or air that will heat your home even when temperatures are as low as -20°C.
As the renewable energy extracted is free, the only cost incurred when collecting energy for heat pumps is the electricity required to run them.
Heat recovery is a balanced whole house ventilation system that provides clean fresh air to you home, while saving up to 90% of heat that would have otherwise been lost through the ventilation process.
Solid Fuel or Wood pellet boilers and stoves are an environmentally friendly and energy efficient alternative to traditional methods of heating your home, i.e oil or gas.
Underfloor heating is a method of heating your home.
It provides rising heat as warm water circulates in pipes installed within the floor construction.
The heat in these pipes radiates to the surface and rises evenly throughout the room above.
An evacuated tube solar water heating System is a means of converting, by way of our roofmounted tubes, rediated light from the sun into your domestic hot water.